~How Do We Respond to Acts of Terrorism?~We Are All One~

A few years ago I led a heart to heart cross species guided meditation to a group of kids. This is a guided meditation I have been leading for years, usually one on one but sometimes in small groups. These kids got it right away. It? What did they get? I asked them to share their experiences and one kid said, “It’s like there wasn’t any difference between us, we were the same.” He was relating his experience connecting heart to heart with another species (a cat, I think) and how he knew he was a human and he was connecting with a cat, while he also experienced/knew that they are, at the core, the same. This is the it that is an important view shifter as a living being.

This weekend in my hometown of Charlottesville there was a white supremacy rally that led to an act of terrorism where a white man purposefully and at high speed drove his car into a group of peaceful protesters. One woman was killed and 19 other people injured. This is just one hate event hitting so close to home, but this happens daily all over the world. This can happen in any town.

There are so many questions that arise from an attack like this. And there is much to be said on the evolution, personal and collective consciousness, of humans at this time. But I want to focus on one way we, as individuals, can help change things in a positive way. When someone is stuck with one narrow viewpoint and maintains that viewpoint by limiting his/her friends to people who hold the same viewpoint, stagnation is going to be the outcome. And what often comes from this stagnation is a divisive sense of us vs. them. When we seek out the perspectives of those who are not like us in some way, whatever way that may be, we can experience that the “Truth is one, paths are many” as Mahatma Gandhi said. By interacting with beings who are not our ideological or physical or gender (etc.) twins we can not only open to different perspectives, but also experience that inner core of all beings where we are all exactly the same: energetic beings of love. This is not just a mental exercise; this is where we have to make the connection and bring it into the physical world. We have to take the step to manifest this expansion and growth to bring this mental concept into the human collective consciousness.

One of my big themes in this life is perspectives. And my feathered allies are amazing teachers on just this topic. It’s not just about seeing the big picture or zooming in to see the details. It’s about seeing experiences as perspectives. We are connecting with other beings and using our hearts to explore experiences instead of just observing. There is suffering and joy. There is strife and peace. Whether you bring cross-species connections to people who may not have had the opportunity to experience them, or you find people who are not identical to you and work together on a project of some sort, or just go to social events where you won’t know all the people, you can actively open to new perspectives. Engaging in dialogue on topics of the mundane and the deep, we can expand our experience and have compassion for others and their experiences. We can continue to choose love and compassion over fear and hate.

This is only the tip of the iceberg of what our response can be to acts of violence and hatred. But, I am choosing to start a conversation because this is about all of humanity and I am here as a member of this species to remember I am (already) one with all humans and all beings. Please let me know what is showing up for you with this latest terrorist attack and such violence and hatred and blatant racism. How are you feeling? How are you responding?

If you do feel moved to put some energy in the form of money towards some of the organizations at the front of the push for equality for all, look HERE.

We’re still in this window between eclipses, with the Great American full solar eclipse happening on Monday the 21st, so notice what’s showing up for you. This window typically magnifies whatever inner work is showing up for your attention. And while it magnifies the work, it also magnifies the shifts, so use these energies to get some deep work completed, cleared. As always, I am here for your guidance in these deep dives when you need a supportive space and witness. Please email or call me at 434-249-9786 to schedule your session now.

Don't Forget

The Elderberry

Tuesday, August 22 4-6pm

I will be offering free mini-sessions focusing on the heart to heart connection between you and your companion animals. If you have a specific issue or just want to deepen the connection with your pet, join me for a 15 minute one on one guided meditation.
