Two Tools Combine for Activism for All

In today's world there we are inundated with so much ugliness. Inhumane treatment is not new, but the scope and acceptance of it is. The antipathy of most Americans is a pattern that is long in building. It is past time to take some form of action. While your words are only one way to take action, they are still an important one. So, I'm sharing two tools that work together to help you get your words to the politicians who are supposed to be representing you.

Tool One: Do you know about Resistbot? It is one of the many rays of hope that can found in this current world. It's an easy to use tool for getting your words to your representatives. It is a volunteer run service and it's not for profit. You can text or use Twitter or Facebook Messenger to connect with Resistbot (it's free for them if you use Twitter or Facebook Messenger). They walk you through the steps. All you need to do is send the word "resist" via one of three pathways I listed above and you're on your way.

Tool Two: Have you heard Americans of Conscience? Sign up for the weekly checklist on Jennifer Hofmann's page and you'll get an email with not just information about bills in DC for the week, but she provides you with a script for calling or writing your representatives about those bills. She also has positive stories of change and there's a sense of connection and hope. If you take her scripts and use Resistbot it won't take but a few minutes to get your words to your representatives.

I try to tick off a letter or two a day and make my way down the list over the week. Give it a try and let me know how it goes!