Your Guide to December Energies

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It's the final month of 2017 and there's lots going on in the bigger picture. Maybe you're feeling some of this? Here are some great perspectives on the current energies.

Lee Harris has an energy update for the month with goodies like:

"BRING YOURSELF TO LIFE could be the theme for December."

"Remember, FEAR ENERGY creates division and separation and retraction. Fear energy is pumped out to the world quite regularly from several sources. So you really need to monitor how you are feeling. What do you need? What are you doing today? When you take care of all of those things, you naturally become more generous towards others."

The Power Path has a lengthy forecast with details on how this affects you personally, your relationships, your health and physical body, your business partnerships and projects, your environment, then breaks things down to a week by week time frame.

"The main theme for December is 'UPGRADE.'"

"There is an expansive quality to the month that should lean towards excitement and inspiration about the possibilities. We can struggle a bit with fear of the unknown but remember that fear and worry are usually about things that have not yet happened so part of the discipline of the month is to stay present. In the present you have just your current experience to deal with."

"It will be important to pay close attention to your daily details and to stay really present with what is working and what isn’t. The only way to successfully upgrade is to tell the truth about what needs it and then to be disciplined about taking the necessary steps."

Mystic Mamma has her usual compendium of astrological treats and I recommend this and this. You will probably find at least a phrase that you resonate with, if not lots of them!

I'd love to hear how you're feeling the energies this month and how you're adjusting!
