
Today I asked who or what our greatest ally is for this 4 day window, today through Sunday. The card that came is Shape-Shifter from Denise Linn’s Native Spirit Oracle Cards. Shape-shifting is a reminder that all is one and the skill to move energy and move through energy is one that has to do with being able to see or sense from different perspectives. For the next 4 days, practice some shape-shifting and notice where and what you are freeing with these new views.

Full Moon Release

With the full moon today, we’ve shifted into the space of release, again. In the last 4 or 5 days I’ve noticed a specific slant to this window of letting go: the familiar. We often hold onto the familiar just because of the comfort and security of that which is already known. This means sometimes we’re staying attached to something that no longer serves us. It feels like the familiar stuff that we’re holding close is what we can let go of with this full moon. So with intention, breath work, and some moon bathing, release the familiar that no longer serves and create some space for the magic of possibility.

Navigating Strange Energies

Energies swirling around for the last month or so have been quite strange. I keep noticing this extra unsettled quality to all aspects of life and I’m hearing this from clients, too. These are the times when having some form of daily practice can sustain you in big ways. We are the most resilient when our foundations are both sturdy and flexible. A daily practice is sturdy just in its regularity, while the willingness to be human, and miss a day of practice or reshape the practice, is the flexibility aspect. My daily practice consists of a walk with Lilly, gratitude emails, and small prayers that I say throughout the day.
I have been aware of just how important the physical aspect of my practice is, the daily walk, during this last month. Just in the last week, the repeated message I am getting is that it is time to try new things or even different ways of doing the same things. To honor this message of new ways of doing things in addition to honoring the physical aspect of life at the moment, I am offering in person sessions for December and January. Sessions slots are days with evening slots on Tuesdays. Please email me to set up your appointment.
Added Support:
I pulled out the Native Spirit cards and asked who or what our greatest ally is right now. The picture below is the card that came: Ancient Forest. Within an ancient forest, you can feel the support that reaches deep into the earth and stretches high into the sky. You have this same powerful support. Before you go to sleep at night and when you first wake up, take a moment feel yourself in the ancient forest: the silence, the strength, the healing.

Energy Work in Everyday Life

Last week I was talking to a woman who’s been herding sheep with her border collies for more than 20 years. When she asked what I do and I said I’m an energy worker, she asked what that meant. I mentioned that in herding the term pressure has to do with energy boundaries. So in herding whether you are aware of it or not, you are working with energy. You, the herder, are working the edge of your energy against the edge of the dog’s energy…and the dog is working her or his energy against the sheep’s energy. Herd animals use their energy as a security. The strength of many animals close together in a group is very different than scattered individual animals.

In life when we are using or working with energy, we are often completely unaware of it. When we take the time to explore the world of energy, we can expand into our gifts and skills on a whole new level.

Finding Light in Dark

The last month of the year is here. On many levels things are drawing to a close. It’s winter here in the northern hemisphere, and the darkness is still increasing. Finding the light can be harder at this time of year. But if you’re looking for those sparks, you can find them. The early morning light gilds the bare trees. The midday light, at winter slant, hits windows creating flares of glare. The stars twinkle ever brighter in the deep navy night skies. The gloaming stretches long creating a hazy glow all around. And if you close your eyes, and breathe into your heart center, you can feel, see, know the flame at your center that is the flame of all life.

Energetically Surviving the Holidays

The holiday season seems to get longer every year with parties, family gatherings, and endless other seasonal events. And as a stressful season for so many, we've compiled some tips to help you navigate the season and perhaps find more peace and joy along the way.

If you're looking for an energetic reboot or just want to set yourself up for a successful and enjoyable holiday season, sessions are available over the Thanksgiving weekend. And as always, if you're traveling, remember that distance does not mean you can't have your session when you need it. Please click through for details on scheduling with me and with Kim.

I also want to let you know that I'm leading a healing experience focusing on letting go of old patterns and creating and supporting new patterns. Please see the details below and click through to register. 
~ Group Healing, by phone, Tuesday, November 29, from 7-7:45 PM details here.

Be aware of your physical body and listen to it. Are your shoulders tensing up? Are you folding in on yourself? Are you full? Our physical bodies are constantly giving us information that we often ignore. One of the simplest ways to respond to the body moving into holding patterns is to breathe and move. If this means stepping into the bathroom for a few minutes of belly breathing with your eyes closed, go for it. If this means standing up, rolling your shoulders and/or your head around, taking a brisk down the driveway and back (or even down the hall and back), do it. Sometimes this is best for you to do alone, but sometimes it’s nice to invite someone to join you. Listen and feel what is right for you in the moment.
Be aware of your emotional self. If you notice some sadness or an old pattern pushing in on you, remember you are not your emotions. You can feel them and let them go without engaging. If this feels hard or is so unfamiliar that you’re not sure how to go about it, just breathe and notice the emotions as they move through you. Notice how your physical body responds to the emotions. And as you continue breathing steady, belly breathing, keep track of whether the emotions lift off or not. You can breathe imagining a soft pink light filling you up with each inhalation and all that does not serve you exiting with each exhalation.  
Be aware of your thoughts. If your thoughts are scattered, racing or sinking into patterns that are not helping you in the moment, you might picture a gentle rain shower moving through, washing your mind free, and allowing you some space to just be. Sometimes a mantra or prayer can be a way to keep the mind focused. Choosing something as simple as “Thank you for this breath/day/moment’” can help you get through a rough spot.  
Be aware of your energetic boundaries and your energy levels. The more you check in with your whole self, the easier it becomes to know when something popping up isn’t even your stuff. To shore up your boundaries and help maintain your energy levels:

  • Be sure to get plenty of sleep
  • Keep up your water intake
  • Move your body
  • Get outside for even just 5 minutes a day
  • Check in with yourself during the day
  • Say no when you need to

Win a Free Session of My New Work!

As always, life is full of change. A big part of my life is my work, and my work has recently been changing. Thanks to the work I've been doing with Lynn Sigman, Pam Johnson, and Twix, I’ve been doing energy work in different ways. This work feels especially helpful with physical issues for you and/or your 4-legged, but can also help with mental and emotional issues, too. To share this new work and spread the word, I’m offering free 30 minute sessions to 10 people. To get in on the drawing, find me here on Facebook, then please both like this post and share it. If you're not on Facebook, please comment below to be entered in the drawing. These sessions are really delightful at the end of the day, and time slots Sunday and Tuesday evenings will be available. The drawing will be held Saturday, November 12th at noon.

November Collaboration ~ Save Yourself from Energy Vampires

As everything is energy, there is a constant flow of energy in and out of our beings. We both give and receive energy in many forms. When we are in a balance point (ongoing, I know) we are receiving as much as we are giving. This sounds like a simple mathematical process, but real life is far from simple. One big energy draining concept to be aware of is energy vampires. Often these are people, but they can also be groups or intangibles like your work or an organization of some sort. I’m sure you know some: those who are needy and take, take, take; people who or situations that leave you exhausted even when you didn’t seem to do much. 

Awareness is always the first step. Once you have noticed who or what drains you completely, who doesn’t energize you, then you can work with boundaries to safeguard yourself. Most of us tend to default to a scarcity pattern of some sort, so it’s easy to think that you don’t want your energy getting sucked out of you because you only have so much energy. A slightly different outlook is that balance in life is more sustainable. So, if you’re too involved with energy vampires of some sort, you may struggle to maintain the receiving end and, thus, are left depleted and always just out of reach of (or even far from) feeling balanced.

Boundaries can be as simple as saying no. Granted, this may take practice, but saying no can go a long way to a more balanced in flow and out flow of energy in your being. Or boundaries can be more involved where you figure out how much of someone or a situation you can take and having a set limit of involvement. Sometimes even removing oneself from an energy sucking situation or person doesn’t actually sever the energetic connection. In times like this, creating a ceremony can help, but this is when getting an energy healing session could be greatly beneficial.

If you are aware, as you’re with someone, that she or he is draining your energy, walk away if possible. If that’s not possible, breathe and picture your breath filling you with a clear, white light that shines out from you in all directions creating a bubble. This white light bubble is an energetic boundary, allowing you to verbally engage with someone while not losing your energy to that person. This is also something you can do ahead of time if you know you will be spending time with an energy vampire.

Energy vampires are not consciously setting out to take other people’s energy. The energy patterns in these people or situations come about from different reasons, but there is often a vacuum or void that needs to be filled. And when it is not properly addressed and released or re-patterned, it is most easily filled by sucking energy from other people.

We all give and receive energy just by existing and as we draw our awareness to where the energy is coming from and where the energy is going, we can step into the role of a true co-creator of life.

Kim's Thoughts

Energy vampires sucking you dry? Here are some tips to help keep you protected when around those hungry folks. To begin with, who am I talking about? When I refer to energy vampires, I’m referring to folks who leave you feeling either depressed, wiped out, or angry after spending time with them. They may be your coworker, a parent or acquaintance, they could even be someone whose company you used to enjoy. ~ Read more

Depression Relief from My Companions

As the daily amount of light continues to decrease, depression often creeps in. Having spent a number of years in a deep abyss of depression, I am aware of any little nudge of depression. I continue to explore and find ways to work with that abyss. While I am no longer in the abyss, and usually feel no more than a pull from the abyss from a great distance, this time of year the abyss is a little closer and I’m aware of that even if there’s no pull. Having Laurens and Lilly always ready to snuggle, make me laugh, or do tricks (yes, Laurens is a clicker trained cat), keeps me firmly planted in the now. Steady on my feet on my path and surrounded and filled with lovelight. What do you do when the darkness presses in? How do your companion animals help you?

Foundation Work

In the last 24 hours a major theme has shown up in conversations with colleagues, friends, and clients. After September's deep shifting energies of eclipses, Mercury in retrograde, and the equinox, the start of this month has been a restart in many ways. One of the most reliable ways to support and maintain the new is to work on the foundation level. This can be the physical foundation of your body health or specifically your feet. This can be the emotional or mental foundations of your being. This can be the land you live on, the house you live in. This can be deep seated patterns from past lives or ancestral lines. Whatever form it takes for you, this is a time when you are being fully supported in foundation work.

So, notice what's popping up for you in the last week or so. Notice how this might relate to a foundation level for you. Breathe, be gentle and kind with yourself, and do the foundation work that you are being asked to do. This is what will allow you to be supported in these new patterns of being that you are creating at this time in your life. If you feel the need for some help with this foundation work, as always, I am happy to help. Just send me an email and we'll get you on the calendar. And, if you need a place to share, please do so in the comments below or on Facebook.

Synergy Energy

I am my entire business. This makes for lots of goodness in my world, but there are still times that it’s helpful and nice to have others involved. This is why I am so thrilled today’s a day for our business tea: once a month I meet up with a bunch of other women solopreneurs for brainstorming, networking, camaraderie, and support of all forms. Do you have groups of friends or colleagues you get together with regularly? Synergy is working together. I find if you’re with people you resonate with that the energy created by synergy is amazing. And for me with these business teas, the energy is fuel for my business. ~ I’m off to tea now!

Heart to Heart Exercise with Your Companion Animal

Want to strengthen the connection you have with your cat or dog (or other companion animal)? If your critter is cuddly, sit or lie down with her or him. If your critter is not cuddly, do this at whatever distance is comfortable for her or him and you will place your hand in the air, palm facing her or him instead of actually touching. Close your eyes, breathe a few deep breaths and settle into your body. Place one hand on your sternum or heart and breathe into your heart space, this place of love. Place your other hand on your critter pal’s heart or chest area and breathe into this love that connects you. I sense the heart to heart connection as a beam of light. Explore what you sense of this connection: what it feels like, what it sounds like, what shape it might have. Then sink into this frequency of love that permeates you both. Spending even a few minutes aware of this connection can result in amazing moments. What’s your experience?

Brief Energy Clearing Exercise

Are you feeling heavy and tired? Is your mind running unnecessary commentary on your every breath? Close your eyes, breathe in so your breath reaches the edges of your physical body, breathe out all the heavy, dark, murky stuff. Breathe in a soft pink light that fills you to the edges of your physical body and shines out into your energy bodies. Breathe out any remaining gunk that is not serving you in the now. Repeat as needed with the pink light filling you on your inhalation and the stuff that’s not beneficial carried off on the exhalation. ~ This is especially nice to do when you lie down in bed at night, freeing you to find more restful sleep. Did you give it a try? How do you feel?